Amicus Inc

Welcome to Amicus

Disability Adult Services Participant Survey 2015 V2

Amicus Group Inc is actively working towards a community where all members are valued and respected for their unique talents and contributions. Amicus provides high quality services to people with a disability and people who are frail and aged that promotes:

Individuality – We respect that everyone is unique and has different needs.We listen to what people want so we can provide the support in tailored and flexible way.

Choice – We know that everyone who chooses Amicus to provide support has the right to direct how this happens. You will be given the information, opportunity and support to make decisions and choices about the things that happen in your life and what matters to you.

Growth – We believe in life-long learning and the development of individual and group potential is a focus of the support that we provide.

Connection – We understand the importance of relationships and networks and promote the development of meaningful and lasting friendships and partnerships.







Getting To Know Amicus                     Amicus Strategic Plan 2014                      Amicus Gallery

Donate to Amicus

If you wish to support Amcius and our vision for people with a disability, you can

download the Amicus Donation Form and send it to 100 Queen Street, Bendigo 3550.

All donations are tax deductible.
